We wish our wonderful children and families a fabulous summer and look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday 4th September!

Early Years & Class 2 - Joint Forest School November 2022

Early Years read ‘Squirrel’s Autumn Search’ for our Class 2 friends and played the squirrel game, where we hid food underground like squirrels do to ensure they don’t go hungry during the winter. We discussed that the squirrels sometimes forget where they have buried their treats and they go on to grow into new trees. We tested our memories later on to see if we could all outwit a squirrel and all successfully remembered where we had hidden our loot! We then made autumn wreaths, found suitable places for our hedgehog hibernation boxes (with some creative additions from Class 2) and made a cosy den! Hot chocolate and biscuits were a welcome treat! We loved joining up with Class 2 for Forest School, everyone worked and played wonderfully together. Well done everyone!