
Internet Safety

E -Safety

At a time of rapidly changing technology Whitley Chapel First School recognises the need to educate pupils about the benefits and risks of using  technology and  to provide safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experience.

The school's e-Safety policy can be downloaded from the policy section on the website.

There is lots of guidance on internet safety online for parents and carers.


What is ParentInfo?

ParentInfo is a regularly updated and free feed of information, advice and sources of support that schools can deliver to parents and carers.

Who is behind ParentInfo? ParentInfo is a collaboration between the National Crime Agency CEOP Command and The Parent Zone. The ParentZone is a leading provider of information, training and support designed to make the internet work for families, with special emphasis on involving parents and carers. The feed below comes directly from the parentinfo website and has up to date information about internet safety.


The Children Exploitation and Online Protection Centre(Ceop) have an excellent website, Thinkuknow, with information designed to help parents and carers protect their children whilst using the internet. It also has sections designed for children to learn about online safety.

A new UK Safer Internet Centre resource, A Parents' Guide to Technology has been launched to help  empower parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use technologies such as smartphones,gaming devices, iPods and iPads safely and responsibly.


 Watch the animation below to find out more about keeping personal information safe online.